Case Study

Lashbrook Rings

How Lashbrook Boosted Sales & Created A New Revenue Stream with Tech9
full service team

Ordering a customized wedding ring is a complex process—especially online. As a company specializing in custom, handcrafted wedding rings, this was a problem Lashbrook was all too familiar with. While the process for ordering custom rings worked great in person, Lashbrook needed a way to give shoppers that same experience and satisfaction online. By trusting Tech9 to build the digital experience, Lashbrook opened a new revenue stream, improved their profit margins, and increased their average order value by 25%.

  • Opened a new source of revenue.
  • Raised profit margins on products.
  • Created a new product category.
  • Increased average ticket value.
  • Provided an online-friendly shopping experience.


Being a jewelry designer & manufacturer, Lashbrook chose to partner with a third-partner software developer to create their online store. Unfortunately, the first attempt at outsourcing development went south, failing to capture the vision and leaving Lashbrook with cash in the fire and nothing to show for it.

What went wrong?

As is all too common in the world of software development, the developer didn’t ask the right questions up front, preferring instead to work from a spec list. As newcomers to software development, Lashbrook felt frustrated with their first tech partner and ultimately turned to LinkedIn for recommendations of a software development team who could build the software they needed the right way.

Lashbrook meets Tech9

In early meetings together, Tech9 learned all about Lashbrook’s vision for creating a user-friendly online ring ordering experience. Tech9’s deep understanding of the technical requirements translated to software that allows for live, on screen ring customization.Regular communication, including weekly check-ins and even having a Tech9 developer work from Lashbrook’s office for a number of months, kept the project on target and on budget.

Forging a Bond

Rather than treating the project as a one-time transaction, Tech9 & Lashbrook established a vision for the end product, forming a long-term partnership built on trust and happy software.

The functionality of the website that Tech9 created sets us apart from any competition.

Matt Isaacson

A new source of revenue

Bride- and grooms-to-be hunting for the perfect ring can now find it without ever leaving their home. Lashbrook’s online ordering experience removes uncomfortable conversations with sales agents and puts an infinite number of ring combinations at your fingertips.The new website enabled Lashbrook to sell direct-to-consumer and positions them as one of the only custom ring designers with a completely online ordering experience.

Online-friendly shopping experience

Combining an online shopping experience with their physical locations removed the boundaries on Lashbrook’s customer reach and gave them a leg up on competition throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Higher profit margins

By selling online, Lashbrook has increased the average order value by more than 25% and raised their profit margins by removing or lowering costs associated with brick & mortar sales.

Lashbrook + Tech9: Happily Ever After

The partnership between Lashbrook and Tech9 didn’t end with the launch of their new site. In the months following a successful launch, Tech9 has continued to improve and optimize the Lashbrook experience, including optimizing the site for mobile use.

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